Newsletter - July 5, 2023
It's been an interesting summer so far. Hot and dry in the spring which created unwelcome ideal conditions for forest fires. But, like I said in my last letter, we've gotten showers and rain. Now my husband is studying the forecast trying to decide when is the best time to cut our hay. This wll be feed for the cows and horses for the winter months. And we have a lot of winter months so we need a lot of feed.
The weather has been gorgeous the past week and now we are so blessed to have the grandkids come for a visit. They live a five hour drive away so it's always a treat to have them come and stay awhile. And I think they're mom doesn't mind the break either.
Because we live out in the country and they live in the heart of a big city, we always like to try to give them a true country-living experience.
A few days ago we took them to a secret swimming hole. Every community has one....we're no different. I know I run the risk of making it not so secret by showing you the pictures, but I have a feeling you might not be coming and checking it out any time soon.

The kids loved swimming (if you look close at the first picture you can see their heads just above the water)Â and they also loved just hanging out.
The boys did some fishing and caught some fish which always makes fishing more satisfying.Â
The girls took their supplies along and made friendship bracelets. We did some kayaking which is always fun on a river.
And, of course, we had a wiener roast and then made 'smores. Also a tradition and also a hit.
We have other activities planned with the kids and there are always certain traditions we follow when they come.

Your turn. What favourite summer traditions do you have? Also, did you have a 'secret swimming hole'?
And that's a wrap. I wish you a blessed week and will be back with more reader information, news from our place and when he feels like it, Lines from Leonard. |
