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  • Writer's pictureCarolyne Aarsen

Rain, rain, you are welcome here...

Newsletter - June 15, 2023

Greetings dear readers,

I’ve been smiling lately because the rain has been coming down in gentle showers.

We’ve been dealing with forest fires up here in Alberta because of an unseasonable dry and hot and windy spring. The fires have burnt hot and hard. It’s been smoky and we’ve been getting these frightening alerts on our cell phone that always make me jump, telling us about yet another evacuation because of the fires. We’ve had firefighters come from other provinces and other countries to help put out the fires. I’ve been praying, not only for rain, but also for safety for the people who are working under such frightening conditions.

But now, the rain is here. Prayers have been answered. At least these prayers. I have many other prayers that I’m trying to be patient about. 

I know praying isn’t just asking, it’s conversation and communication. Sometimes it’s just about being quiet, and still. My husband and I don’t always talk in the evenings. We often just sit - he in his chair, me in mine - but we are together. Prayer can be like that too.

At any rate, the rain has been asked for and it is welcome and we are thankful.


The rain also means our poor dogs are still waiting for me to go for a walk with them. I’m, unfortunately a fair weather walker. I don’t like walking in puddles and mud with rain coming down unless I have to. Which means I haven’t been walking as much. So when my sister-in-law invited me for one of our Walk and Talks at an indoor walking arena, I said yes. It’s more fun walking around and around an arena on the walking circuit if I have someone to talk to. And I love chatting with my sisters-in-law. We always have lots to talk about. I’m blessed with our relationship and so thankful for the support they have been to me in so many ways.

I love writing about family and community and I always hope that the connection and blessing I have with my extended family shows up in my books.

Right now I’m in the having-fun part of a new series I’m working on. Planning stories.

The series is based in the town of Kittering Creek, which was established by the Kittering family over 150 years ago. The town has an anniversary coming up with some of the people in my stories will be working on

And then there is the actual Kittering family itself whose many times great grandfather established the town and whose descendants live there.

I have made maps and family trees and spreadsheets and outlines. So much fun! In the coming months you’ll be hearing more about the stories and I’ll give you some sneak peeks of the gorgeous covers I got made for the books.

Meantime, I’m having fun exploring and discovering and creating this town and the people who live in it and around it.

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