Newsletter from July 19, 2023
I'm so lucky! I'm finally back at my sister's place in Ontario! It's been five long years since I've been back to visit her. Between Covid and my mom not doing well at times, I've been staying close to home.
But now, life is settling down and I am so thankful to be spending time with my sister in her cozy house and beautiful neighbourhood. For someone living in colder climes, I love, love walking down the streets, admiring hydrangeas and hosts of other flowers we can't grow in our zone.
It's always relaxing here because my sis takes very good care of me and that's so nice.
Family is a gift that I treasure and am so thankful for the support I get and the love we give each other. I write about family in all of my books because of how blessed I am.
Leonard's Lines
So....Carolyne took off to visit her sister without me. Sigh.
But I got to stay with her daughter which is kind of fun because I like Annie her dog and we get along good. And she has a very comfy couch for me to sleep on.Â
BUT, Rusty got to go with Richard on all kinds of adventures. Right now he's headed up to the Yukon. They made a stop at the sign-post forest in Watson Lake which seemed pretty cool to me.
Oh well. I'm going on longs walks in the city and in a day or two I get to go to Aunty Anita's farm and play with the horses and her dog. So that should be okay.
I know Carolyne is enjoying herself. She's visiting her sister which I know will be good for her. And when she's back, she'll come and pick me up.
I hope. We'll see.
I don't know what Leonard is worried about. Of course I'll pick him up. He's my walking buddy and my writing buddy and he keeps me company in the evenings.Â